Rates & Policies

Rates & Policies2023-12-23T21:36:48+00:00

Old Bob’s Guide Package Rates & Policies

Package Rates

A Six (6) Hours on the lake begins at about 8 a.m. and ends at about 2 p.m. for 1 or 2 people $400.00 includes fuel.. The third-person charge is $100.00

A half-day on the lake is usually 4  hours for 1 or 2 people. $300.00 including fuel. The third-person charge is $100.00.

Tag-A-Long Boats at $100.00 per boat per day with one of the above packages. Please note that I am not responsible for damages to Tag-A-Long Boats or for personal injuries or other losses.

Guide Policies

“Tag-a-long boats” must assume their own risk for damages to their boat or for personal injuries.

In case severe weather makes the remainder of your choice of trips unattainable, concessions are as follows:

  • If an all-day trip has lasted at least 3 hours,  a half-day rate will be charged.
  • If a half-day trip has lasted less than 2 hours, no fee will be charged.

I will be the judge of whether the trip can continue because of the weather.

Payment for all services is due, payable in cash, at the end of the chosen trip choice.  Sorry, no checks or Credit Cards.

Each of the guide trip packages is based on 2-persons. A $100.00 charge for a third person will be added to the chosen package. If there are more in your fishing party, additional guides and boats will be required. This rule is based on the safety of those onboard and also for your enjoyment. Additional guide charges are based on the package selected.

While emergencies do arise, a cancellation notice is requested as soon as possible if you cannot keep your reservation. If the weather has moved in, I will try and contact you to discuss the day’s possibilities.

If you cannot swim, you must notify me before the start of the trip as life jackets are on board for the number of people on board, and you may be required to wear a life jacket at all times or only when the boat is underway.

If you have a medical condition that requires you to eat at a specific time and you have not brought a lunch, you must notify me so we can return in time for you to eat. Lunch is each person’s responsibility.


Package Rates

A Six Hour day on the lake begins at about 8 a.m. and ends at about 2 p.m. for 1 or 2 people $400.00 fuel included.. The third-person charge is $100.00.

A half-day on the lake is usually 4 hours for 1 or 2 people. $300.00 fuel included. The third-person charge is $75.00.

Tag-A-Long Boats at $100.00 per boat per day with one of the above packages. Please note that I am not responsible for damages to Tag-A-Long Boats or for personal injuries or other losses.

Read Bob’s Guide Policies

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